Secretary General taking oath of office

Prof. Dr Mahmud Erol Kilic speech NiameyWhile taking oath of office, H.E. Prof. Mahmud Erol KILIC, PUIC Secretary General at the Inaugural Session of the 11th Session of the PUIC Council on the 18-19 February 2009 in Niamey Republic of Niger

Speech of H.E. Prof. Mahmud Erol KILIC, PUIC

Secretary General at the Inaugural Session
of the 11th Session of the PUIC Council

H.E Mamdo Tanjda, President of the Republic of Niger,
H.E. Mahamane Ousmane, Speaker of the National Assembly of Niger,
Excellencies Speakers of PUIC Member Parliaments,
Excellencies Heads of Delegation,
Honourable Guests,
 Ladies and Gentlemen,
          I have the honour to address you in this auspicious morning, thanking you for the great trust which you have put in me by selecting me to be Secretary General of our Union.
Having taken the oath of office, I pray to Almighty Allah to grant me success in my mission, with your kind assistance and support.      
          As you have mandated me with leading the work in the PUIC General Secretariat, I would like to emphasize that I would exert the utmost effort to surmount, with your backing , the difficulties and challenges which face our Islamic nation as a consequence of prevailing crucial global circumstances, in the political , economic, and cultural fields as well as repercussions of globalization.
          The Agenda of this Session have included the totality of these issues and challenges which necessitate a pause, tackling and modality for addressing them in the framework of Muslim consensus and cooperation , as we are enjoined to come together for benevolence and piety.
          The Executive Committee and the Standing Specialized Committees will submit to your august Council the subjects included in their respective agendas after thoroughly debating them.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Energizing the Union stands on the top of our priority list. We have prepared an ambitious Plan of Action. I am confident that you will assist me in implementing it. Undoubtedly the plan shall be an addition to the objective parliamentary diplomacy which is carried out by your esteemed parliaments, covering large areas in the field of regional and international general action, especially the one which proves difficult to be tackled by official work – particularly complex political domains which abound in our contemporary world.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
          In the relatively short period since I have assumed my duties, I have felt the existence of a spirit of collective action and a will to make this Union a more effective link in the chain of joint Islamic action, in the IPU as well as in regional bodies, through consolidating bonds among our parliaments and promoting cooperation with world parliaments in order to create a world that would enjoy security, peace, stability , prosperity and development. This spirit has materialized in the meetings of the Executive Committee last October. The other meetings, including the Open-Ended
Extraordinary Meeting of the Executive Committee on adopting a
unified stand to support Palestine in the face of the Israeli aggression and war crimes in Gaza Strip, in Istanbul, on 14th January 2009, and the adoption of significant resolutions and recommendations, all these reflecting the determination of the Ummah to confront the challenges , and achieve victory in this context. This is also reflected in my visits and meetings with some parliament Speakers.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
          I would like to reiterate my utmost thanks and appreciation for your valuable trust. I also express thanks and sincere gratitude to the President, government, people and National Assembly of the sisterly Republic of Niger for hosting successively the 19th and 20th Meetings
of the Executive Committee as well as the current 11th Session of our Council.
          I hail the great cooperation extended to the PUIC General Secretariat from the National Assembly of Niger which has greatly facilitated our work.
          While repeating our thanks , we are confident that the PUIC Member Parliaments will not spare efforts in rendering the functioning of the General Secretariat smooth and easy, for the common good.
          We pray to God to grant us success and lead our steps along the right path. We pray to Allah to bestow on the Muslim Ummah strength and prosperity. Allah is All-Powerful , All- Benevolent.
والسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ،،، 

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