PUIC Secretary General Welcomes the Decision of the (ICC) on Refraining from any Support to Israel as an Occupying Power

PUIC Secretary General Welcomes the Decision of the (ICC) on Refraining from any Support to Israel as an Occupying Power

H.E. Mohammed Khouraichi Niass, the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, welcomed the decision issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Friday, 19 July 2024, in which it affirmed that Israel's continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is illegal and that it is obliged to cease its presence there as soon as possible.

The Court stated that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination and that the Occupied Palestinian Territory is a territory with integrity, unity, and sovereignty that must be respected

The Court called on Israel to put an end to its occupation and cease any measures that cause demographic or geographic alteration, and called for the cessation of all settlement activities. The Court also called on the international community to cooperate in order to implement its decisions and refrain from providing any support to Israel as the occupying power, and said that all countries must cooperate with the UN to enable Palestinians to achieve self-determination. Furthermore, the Court stated that the continued occupation of Palestinian lands for a long period of time does not change their legal status, and considered that Israel's practices against Palestinians constitute racial discrimination and apartheid and that Israel's actions violate the Convention Against Racial Discrimination.

The Court called on all countries and international organisations not to recognise the illegal presence of Israel and the settlers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

H.E. Mr Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass reiterates that the Palestinian cause has been the core issue of the PUIC since its establishment, and that the PUIC continues to support the struggle of the Palestinian people to liberate their land and establish their independent state with Al-Quds as its capital.

21 July 2024

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