PUIC Secretary General Commends Danish Parliament’s Decision to Criminalise Quran Burning

PUIC Secretary General Commends Danish Parliament’s Decision to Criminalise Quran Burning

His Excellency the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, welcomed the Danish Parliament's decision to criminalise the “inappropriate treatment” of religious texts of great importance to recognised religious group.

Pursuant to this new legislation, the burning and assault of the Holy Qur'an and holy books, as well as inappropriate behaviour targeting religious figures, will be banned in the country. Violators of the law will also face fines or imprisonment.

His Excellency hopes that the new Danish legislation will contribute to the efforts undertaken to stop the disgraceful acts of burning copies of the Holy Qur'an in some Western countries, which is a grave insult and a despicable targeting of Muslims in all parts of the world.

The PUIC has held a webinar meeting on 25 September on the issue of the repeated violation of the Holy Qur'an. The meeting was held at the invitation of His Excellency Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, President of the People's National Assembly of Algeria and rotating President of the PUIC.

The said meeting mandated His Excellency the Secretary General of the PUIC to contact the Parliaments of Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands to urge them to enact legislation to prevent the recurrence of such crimes in the future, and also to contact international parliamentary organisations to support this endeavour.

12 December 2023

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