Mohammed Bin Hamoud: For Sustainable Development from the Archipelago to the Atlantic

Mohammed Bin Hamoud: For Sustainable Development from the Archipelago to the Atlantic

On every occasion in which the PUIC meets, discussions are opened, and dialogue and debate are established in a civilized and refined manner, which is motivated by concern and the general interest of peoples who hope in their parliaments for what is right for their conditions and statuses.

The choice of Algeria to host the seventeenth session (17), as much as we consider it a commendation and a medal of honor and appreciation, we see in it a good selection, and a good affection. Algeria, which the free and honest people are not accustomed to, except for the principled position, the missionary word, and the good and sincere will in everything that concerns the Islamic nation in general. That is why you will not see from Algeria anything but truth, and you will find in it nothing but sincerity, as before it was a keeper of promises, a servant of covenants, a hoister and a holder of banners.

Some scholars and some analysts may make mistakes when they cannot imagine the existence of a relationship of some importance between parliamentary institutions and developmental, cultural, economic and commercial activities that produce wealth and finance.

They have their excuse if it comes to the traditional “old editions” and “copies” of these “parliaments”, whose auxiliary subsidiary and institutions were dominated by the “ideological proposition” that does not go beyond the idea, and does not cross the boundaries of a non-binding proposal. But when we take a closer look at the values axis, the geopolitical field, and the geostrategic space, in which the parliaments of Islamic countries can move, raise, or aspire to, we find that they have the capabilities that qualify them to be a polarizing axis, not a polarized fringe, by activating the “proposal authority” in coordination with field wealth-producing institutions.

What helps in all this is what we are witnessing from the beginning of the disintegration of the old axes, and the emergence of new axes of polarization, that possess finance, wealth and weapons, with a strong desire to “reorganize the world” and create “new maps” in a way that guarantees their economic and ideological interests for survival, expansion, and development if possible. There are many field evidences, perhaps the most important of which is the “Corona virus” with all its political exploitation through not innocent readings, and the Russian/Ukrainian war, which made old Europe in the eye of the storm, in addition to its disturbance of European luxury and the prosperity of the North, which is considered by its beneficiaries a red line, and finally, the Arab/Chinese summit, meaning that the financial bloc and the strategic location have “shone” in coordination with the awakened dragon, as well as the American/African summit, which aims to compensate for potential geostrategic and economic losses in the Middle East.

These profound pivotal changes make the PUIC face the inevitability of searching for a comfortable “location” for all its members, or building a pole on the axis of the archipelago of Indonesia / the Atlantic Ocean, as planned and theorized by the philosopher of civilization “Malik bin Nabi”. For our part, we suggest to him the name “Islamic Association”, which can make other people’s spaces a popular market not only for its economic products, but also for its valuable and cultural products, as it has the largest ever-exhaustive reservoir of values, which is the Islamic message with its eternal human values. The “Archipelago / Atlantic” axis can transform these values into a cultural and artistic product that sweeps away other human fields, in light of this dubious spiritual thirst from which all humanity suffers.  Also, the union can be an “Islamic League”, in terms of its role in linking Islamic energies, developing them, recommending them, and introducing them to each other, especially if we know that the “gray matter” that finances the world with ideas and creativity is almost half Muslim, but most of it lives in diaspora and a state of wandering, in Countries that invest well in human talents and competencies, without caring about religion, race, sect or party, as is the case in many Islamic countries, with great regret. What is preventing these popular representative bodies from extending ties of cooperation and coordination with thousands of cultural and scientific organizations, bodies and institutions spread across this axis, in order to work on our ancient common history, exploit its rhetoric and events, and revive it in artistic molds with human contents? And that America has achieved its global presence in “Hollywood” before it achieved it with the “Marines” and the “B 52”, and let us take an example in this also with the “Harry Potter” series by the British writer “JK Rowling”, because in its material income it has exceeded an oil well. 

It is not difficult for the PUIC Member parliaments to pay the utmost attention to the economy, it seeks to be an ambassador of goodness and goodwill between countries, opening horizons for joint production, by introducing the producing entities (contracting or companies) to each other, and facilitating the possibilities for the transfer of expertise and capital. Of course, in coordination with the guardian and specialized authorities, because it is illogical for the capabilities of the Islamic nation to remain in the banks of its enemies. An activity like this is enough to set in motion an economic mechanism beyond what everyone imagines, in terms of air and sea routes, and a flourishing tourism movement, in a way that guarantees sustainable development. All of this is done within a clear framework of transparency that respects many of the historical, political and sectarian specificities of this or that country. Because the difference is mercy, as stated in the heritage.

Algeria, which hosts the seventeenth session of the PUIC Conference, is striving to consolidate this “integral movement” in any diplomatic endeavor it adopts, undertakes, or bets on, it does not believe in separating the endeavors she undertakes, especially in this era when the means of communication have been able to cancel borders and distances, but rather cancel time.
Algeria believes in field work and field application of everything that is agreed upon on blank papers or drafts in closed meetings. 


Mohammed Yazid Bin Hamouda 
Deputy of the National People’s Assembly of Algeria, 
Member of the PUIC Executive Committee

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