Iranian Parliament: Employing Mechanisms For Discontinuation of Zionist Measures

Iranian Parliament: Employing Mechanisms For Discontinuation of Zionist Measures

Following is the text of the message sent by H.E. Mr. Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, Speaker of the Islamic Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran to H.E. Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, Secretary General of the PUIC, concerning the unjust Zionist measures:

Unofficial Translation

His Excellency Mr. Mouhammad Khouraichi Niass

Honorable Secretary General of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States


As your have already learned, in the current tricky and complex time when the international community is vehemently engaged in countering COVID-19 pandemic, the Occupying Regime of Quds is aiming at annexing some parts of the West Bank to the occupied Palestine land in continuation of its expansionist policies and occupying schemes and despite the UN resolutionsas well as political, parliamentarian and public opinions’ oppositions.

These unlawful intentions and policies of the Zionist regime amount to open and blatant violations of international laws and are in manifest conflict with the UN adopted instruments, particularly the UNSC Resolution 2334.

They also constitute a new aggression on the Palestinian nation and its historical rights. The continued occupation of Palestine and trampling upon the rights of this nation are the primary cause of escalation of tensions and a chronic threat to regional and international peace and security with irremediable outcomes and dire consequences for the regional and global peace and security.

In spite of the fact that numerous countries and international organs, primarily the UN along with countless international human rights forums such as the Human Rights Council have opposed the inhumane and expansionist policies of the Zionist regime and asserted the illegality of such measures in their instruments, the Zionist regime has regrettably pursued its inhumane and unlawful policies against the Palestinian people in a consistent manner in different time periods and with variable methodologies.

However, the international institutions are yet to take effective steps to counter and halt the unlawful and illegitimate measures of this regime. It seems that now is the right time to take effective steps for countering and putting an end to unlawful measures of the Zionist regime.

While stressing the rights of the wronged people of Palestine and expressing a strong condemnation of the hostile, expansionist policies of the Zionist regime, I reiterate that such measures will never ever import legitimacy for the Zionist regime.International and parliamentarian organizations and forums are expected to make the necessary arrangements and adopt concrete, tangible steps for prompthalting of hostile and expansionist policies of the Zionist regime in line with human rights fundamentals and the principles and goalsasserted inthe UN Charter.

The Islamic Consultative Assembly strongly emphasizes the adoption of appropriate stances concerning the process of ignoring the historical rights of the oppressed people of Palestine and calls for employment of all viable mechanisms, frameworks and instruments for prompt discontinuation of occupying, provocative and unlawful measures of the Zionist regime that violate international peace and security and contributing to supporting the rights of the wronged people of Palestine.

Please accept the assurance of my highest considerations.

Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf

The Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly

Of the Islamic Republic of Iran

1 July, 2020 

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