Agenda of The 4th Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs

26 – 27 JANUARY, 2010

VENUE: Commonwealth Speke Resort Hotel - Munyonyo
09.00 to 13.00
1.         Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Palestine and other occupied territories in Syria and Lebanon.
1.1.      Protection of Al-Aqsa Mosque against all threats.
2.         A unified position of OIC Member Parliaments in support of Palestine against the Israeli aggression and the war crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people, particularly in the Gaza Strip.
2.1       Committing Israel to complying with the Fourth Geneva Convention on occupied territories and treating the Palestinian political captives and detainees in its prisons in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law.
3.         Making the whole Middle East region a zone free of all weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons with no exception.(Proposed by the Federal National Council of United Arab Emirates)
4.         Situation in Iraq and restoration by the Iraqi people of their political and economic sovereignty and the reconstruction of independent Iraq.
5.         Combating terrorism under the umbrella of the UN and reconfirming the legitimate right to resist occupation and foreign aggression by all individual and collective means according to Article 51 of the UN Charter and further documents and measures of liquidation of colonialism and racism.
6.         Supporting efforts to create sustainable dialogue between Islamic and Western parliaments.
7.         Essentials of an Islamic Parliamentary vision to deal with the USA in the light of US President Obama’s Cairo address.
8.         Necessity of developing solidarity and unity among Islamic countries in the face of mounting challenges, which target the capabilities of the Islamic Ummah.
9.         Adverse consequences of Western double-standard policy towards the Islamic World. 
10.       Supporting the equal and inalienable rights of all nations to have free access to and usage of modern nuclear technology for their peaceful exploitation.
11.       Problem of Internal Security in Somalia and foreign intervention.
12.       Situation in Darfur.
13.       Siding with the Sudan against all international threats and re-affirming its sovereignty and legitimate leadership. 
14.      Recent situation of the Muslims in Cyprus.
15.       Recent development in Jammu and Kashmir.
16.       Armenia occupation on Nagorno-Karabakh region.
17.       Rejection of all economic sanctions – whether unilateral or multi-lateral -imposed on any independent country particularly PUIC States.
18.       Condemnation of all forms of blockade imposed by the USA and its allies against independent States, particularly PUIC States.
19.       The necessity of prior consultation and coordination between Islamic parliaments on the sidelines of international meetings
20.     The role of the Islamic Parliaments in opposing the plans of the Israeli Government on the Judeity of Israel, the Judeisation of Al-Qods andits refrusal to commit itself to peace based on a fair and comprehensive solution.  
21.   The role of the Islamic Parliament in opposing, and putting an end to, the Zionist occupation of the Arab Syrian Golan and in implementing the relevant legal international resolutions.
22.      The controversial referendum on the basic human rights: the banning by Switzerland of the building of minarets on mosques. 
23.   Examination of the Memorandum of Understanding between PUIC and the OIC subsidiary Youth Forum for Islamic Dialogue and Cooperation.
24.   The necessity for Islamic states solidarity in meeting the challenges and the threats and plots they are facing.
25.       Reaffirming the necessity of the inalienable equal and balanced rights of all peoples in the free connection and use of modern technology for peaceful purposes.
26.    Declaring the annual anniversary of the Zionist cruel and cowardly aggression on Gaza Strip (January 18th) as the International Solidarity Day for the Reconstruction of Gaza.
27.       Consideration of the causes and effects of the horrifying massacre of many children and children in the Republic of Guinea recently.
28.       Warning against the danger of the international financial crisis and its impact of globalization upon the economies of developing countries and in particularly on Islamic Countries.
29.       Allocation of voluntary financial contribution to the PUIC from Member Parliaments to provide urgent assistance to the people in Gaza Strip as well as to finance activities of interdependence (Takaful) solidarity among Islamic States during the times of all type of disasters.
30.       Examining the feasibility of establishing an “Islamic Monetary Fund”.
31.       Encouraging and enhancing bilateral and multilateral trade among Islamic States.

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