Upon a Kind invitation extended by the Algerian Parliament, the Executive Committee of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) held its twenty-first ordinary session in Algiers, capital of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, on 5-6 Rajab 1430H. Corresponding to 28-29 June 2009, under the chairmanship of His Excellency Ali Larijani, Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran. His Excellency Professor Abdelaziz Ziari, Speaker of the National People’s Assembly of Algeria attended the inaugural proceedings.


The Executive Committee expresses its thanks to the President, People and Parliament of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria for the warm reception and generous hospitality and for ensuring a congenial and appropriate atmosphere for discussing and considering the existing reality of the Islamic Ummah as well as the challenges facing it in a changing world and amid repercussions of a developing era.
Having listened to the opening and welcoming speeches by the two Speakers; following a discussion and adoption of the report of the Secretary General; after finalizing all agenda items; and recalling the principles and objectives enshrined in the OIC Charter and the PUIC Statute and their respective documents, the PUIC Executive Committee:
1.      Condemns all actions targeting Muslim Communities, whether by interfering in their sovereign affairs, or meddling in their territorial integrity and unity of their peoples, or dealing with them through a policy of double standards.
2.      Follows up with attention the impact of the Israeli invasion of Gaza Strip ; and the blockade imposed by Israel on the Palestinian people ; calls for wide-ranging actions to put end to this blockade and open the exists; also follows up the intransigence of this entity and its impeding of the peace dialogue in the region; calls on all Palestinian factions to seek success of their ongoing dialogue in order to close their ranks and unify their positions to be able to establish a Palestinian State, with Al-Quds as its Capital, which ensures the return of all Palestinians; it requires to act rapidly to carry out the reconstruction operation.
3.      Confirms continuously its support to the steadfastness and determination of the Palestinian people to confront the Israeli aggression to recover their occupied territories, including Gaza Strip, the West Bank and City of Al-Quds, considered as constituting a single, indivisible and non- relinquishable geographical unity; it reaffirms its demand to open all maritime, territorial and air passage ways which ensure the link between the Palestinian land and abroad. It warns against the conspiracy of the alternative homeland. This is considered a naked aggression on the Palestinian right and the principles of sovereignty of the States in the region, and, on the other hand, a factor of protection and consolidation of the alien Zionist entity, and on encouraging for its violations.
4.      Totally rejects Zionist measures in Al-Quds which target the Arab and Islamic identity of the city and aim at judaizing it. It emphasizes the necessity of international action by UNESCO and the UN in order to put an end to these dubious Israeli measures.
5.      Strongly rejects any solutions or settlements that impugn the sovereignty, interests or security of any Muslim State.
6.      Persistently denounces the continued tyrannical Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan and the Lebanese lands. It declares its total support to the Lebanese people to build their State and seek to establish understanding and accord among all the Lebanese factions. It also supports Lebanon’s right to recover its territories, and hails its resistance.
7.      Stands by the side of the brotherly Iraqi people by extending support and backing to their endeavours to restore their sovereignty over all their territories; and stresses the unity of their land.
8.      Declares its concern about the false, obscure and doubtful accusations directed by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against President Omar Al-Bashir of the Sudan. Condemns, at the same time, the policy of double standards.
9.      Calls on the international community, both regionally and internationally, as well as all peace advocates world-wide, to act immediately and seriously to put an end to the dispute in the Sudanese Darfur region and to help establish durable peace therein.
10.    Invites the brotherly factions in Somalia to opt for understanding and sit to the dialogue table in search of the means of stability and security. It warns against evil interference by foreign powers in Somali affairs. On this occasion, exhorts and appeals to rich Muslim States to shoulder their responsibilities for the displaced people who are threatened by deadly famine in this brotherly country.
11.    Expresses its concern about the pressures mounted against the Islamic Republic of Iran aimed at preventing it from the peaceful use of nuclear energy. It denounces the policy of turning a blind eye to the Israeli nuclear arsenal which endangers security and stability in the entire region, given the lack of international control.
12.    Reconfirms the inalienable rights of States to possess nuclear technology for peaceful purposes according to the criteria set up by the NPT and the relevant safeguard agreements. 
13.    Rejects all sanctions, whether unilateral or multilateral, imposed on any Muslim Country, under any excuse or pretext, and which contradict the principles of human rights and the International Law.
14.    Appreciates resumption of negotiations between Turks in Northern Cyprus and Greeks in Southern Cyprus and reconfirms the resolutions adopted by the OIC and the PUIC on the question of Cyprus, and calls for lifting the economic blockade and isolation imposed on the Turks in the Turkish Cypriot State.
15.    Demands immediate, total and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from all occupied Azeri territories, and strongly urges Armenia to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
16.    Extends its total support to Muslim minorities in non-Muslim States in order to enable them to exercise basic rights and freedoms and to ensure freedom of belief and the rights of political, civil, economic, social and cultural practices of these minorities.
17.    Warns against the gravity of the global financial crisis and its impacts on the economies of Muslim States and calls for the creation of a legal system aimed at realizing a unified banking system.
18.    Calls on the Islamic Ummah to encourage multi-faceted cooperation in order to face the challenges of globalisation through the establishment of:       
-       A system to reduce or cancel debts due to rich Muslim States which burden poor Muslim States.
-       A system of solidarity aimed to reduce the cost of importing oil which burdens some Muslim Countries.
-       Islamic Common Market
19.    Appeals to Muslim States to extend a helping hand to the brotherly State of the Comoros by providing support and investment in order to strengthen its political independence and enable it to establish authority on its geographic region.
20.    Highly appreciates the civilizational behaviour manifested by the Algerian people in the recent presidential elections, and the great rising of these people which proved their awareness, culture and feeling of the national responsibility which they shoulder in such occasions.
21.    Felicitates the Lebanese and Kuwaiti people on the success which they have achieved in the recent parliamentary elections which were characterized by quiet and stability. The elections also stressed the democratic maturity enjoyed by Muslim peoples.
22.    Expresses congratulation on the results of the Iranian presidential elections, and denounces foreign interventions in Iranian internal affairs and calls on the Iranian people to unite behind their government.
23.    Wishes success for the presidential elections in sisterly Mauritania and Gabon amid tranquillity and confidence in order to move, very soon, to constitutional and legal legitimacy.
24.    Condemns terrorism in all its forms and name, whether individual terrorism or group terrorism or state terrorism which is practised by Israel against the Palestinian who are struggling for their freedom and independence; warns against going too far into utilizing pluralism, doctrinarism and sectarianism for political purposes that aim to divide the Islamic Ummah and partition its regions, states and peoples.
25.    Calls for establishing serious dialogue between civilizations, religions and cultures in order to ensure mutual respect, equity and justice, as well as rejection of bigotry, hatred and violence among peoples of the world so as to live in love, security and peace.

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