1.  The Second Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians was held at Friendship Hall in Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan, under the motto “Together towards Ideological Renaissance of High Values”, on 19th January 2013, simultaneously with the proceedings of the 8th PUIC Conference.
  2.  The opening ceremony was honored and addressed by H.E. Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Tahir, President of the 8th PUIC Conference and Speaker of the National Assembly of the Sudan, as well as H.E. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol KILIC, PUIC Secretary General and H.E. Samia Ahmed Mohammed, Chairperson of the Preparatory Committee of the Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians (Summery of speeches in Final Report of the Conference.
  3.  Twenty-Four PUIC Member Parliaments (Annex N° FWMP/2-2013/LIST.1) participated in the Muslim Women Parliamentarians. This number is considered a qualitative jump as regards participation in the conference and substantial attention paid by the august Member Parliaments to enhancing the status of the Muslim Women Parliamentarians.
  4.  The opening ceremony was attended by a large gathering of women who filled the International Hall at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum. It was also attended by a huge number of members of the Sudanese national Assembly, members of delegations participating in the PUIC Conference, and local and regional media. Together with the opening ceremony, photo exhibitions were organized which depicted the progress of Women Parliamentarians. There were also accompanying programs of seminars and lectures as well as   invitations to hospitality functions.
  5.  The Second Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians discussed items of its agenda after adoption (Annex N° FWMP/2-2013/DA.1/FINAL.), most notably the item on consideration of the Draft Document on Muslim Women (Annex N° FWMP/2-2013/WDOC.1/FINAL). Sessions of the Conference were characterized by constructive discussions aimed at enhancing the position of women and reaching significant recommendations which were contained in the Final Report (Annex N° FWMP/2-2013/REP.1/FINAL). H.E. the PUIC Secretary General was represented in terms of attendance and participation in the proceedings by H.E. Ambassador Siddiq Yousif Abuagla, Director of the Cabinet of the PUIC Secretary general.
  6. H.E. Samia Ahmed Mohammed, Chairperson of the Second Session of the Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians submitted to the 8th PUIC Conference a report on the conclusions and recommendations of the Conference, including the Khartoum Declaration adopted by the Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians. (Annex N° FWMP/2-2013/KDEC.1/FINAL)
  7.  The 8th PUIC Conference, held in Khartoum, on 21-22 January 2013, adopted the reports of the second Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians. this adoption was stated in the Final Report of the 8th Session of the PUIC Conference under item 7: Consideration and adoption of the reports made by subsidiary organs (7-1) Second Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians.
  8.  The Khartoum Declaration adopted by the 8th PUIC Conference stipulated under para 13: “Refer to the necessity of taking all legislative and political measures,   and adoption of plans and programmes that would enhance the important role played by women in society, and assist the efforts exerted in particular by the Women Parliamentarians, at the national level or at the level of their participations in regional and international organizations.
  9.  The Final Communiqué, adopted by the 8th PUIC Conference requested all Member Parliaments to approve the Draft Document on Muslim Women submitted by the National Legislature of the Sudan.

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