25 RABI UL AWWAL, 1436
18 JANUARY, 2015.
1. The Standing Specialized Committee on Human Rights, Women and Family Affairs held its Third Meeting in Istanbul –Republic of Turkey on 19 January. 2015 The Committee elected H.E. Mrs. Souraya Moustapha Mahamat, as Rapporteur.
2. The Meeting was attended by Their Excellences members of the Committee:
1. People’s Democratic Republic of ALGERIA
2. Kingdom of BAHRAIN معالي السيد نوار علي محمود
3. SYRIAN Arab Republic
4. Republic of TUNISIA
1. Republic of INDONESIA H.E. Ms. Meutya Viada Hafid
2. MALAYSIA Hon. Mas Ermieyati binti Samsudin
3. Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN H.E. Ms. Shazia Ashfaq Mattu
4. Republic of TURKEY H.E.M. Efdal Kaldirim
1. Republic of CHAD S.E. M. Mamadou Kourtou
2. Union of COMOROS
3. Republic of MALI S.E. Mme. Traore Doumbia. Rokia
4. Republic of NIGER S.E. M. Hamani Harouna
Absent were People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Tunisia and Union of Comoros.
The meeting was attended by a number of delegations as observers:
People’s Republic of Bangladesh H.E. Mr. Fazle Rabbi
H.E. Mr. Begum Rowshan AraMannan
H.E. Mr. MD. Nayrul Islam
BURKINA FASO S.E.M. MamadouKabre
S.E.Mme. Salamata Diallo
S.E. Mme.CongoSafiatou
S.E. M. Idrissa Darga
Cote D’Ivoire S.E.M. Flanizara Toure
S.E. M. Dam Iala Baransau
S.E. M. Adja Satu Camara Pinto
Republic of GUINEA Hon. M.Fodé Oussou FOFANA
Republic of Iraq H.E. Mrs. Bohar Sulayman Isa
Islamic Republic of Iran H.E. Mrs. Dr. Laleh Eftekhari
State of Kuwait H.E.Mr. Saif Al Azami
Republic of Lebanon H.E. Mr. Nawar Sahili
Republic of Senegal H.E. M. Nafi NDIOGOU
H.E.M. Khouraïchi NIASS
H.E.M. Amadou Tidiane TALLA
H..E. M. Oumar SY
Republic of Sudan H.E. Mrs.Rashida Sayed Ahmed
H.E. M. Ali Suliman
3. His Excellency Ambassador Siddig Yousif ABU-AGLA, Director of Cabinet, opened the meeting of the Committee on behalf of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol KILIC, PUIC Secretary General. He welcomed the members of the Committee wishing them success in their deliberations. He continued to represent the General Secretariat in the proceedings of the Committee.
4. The Meeting reviewed the Agenda and discussed its items. The discussion included interventions by the members which led in conclusion to the adoption of the enclosed draft resolutions which will be submitted to the PUIC Conference.
5. The Committee recommends the importance of implementing the resolutions adopted in its current and previous sessions, and it requests the Member Parliaments to send to the General Secretariat reports about what has been implemented in a regular manner so that they may be circulated and make use of their experiences.