Statement issued by Ibrahim Boughali, President of the Arab Parliamentary Union:

APU Condemns Abhorrent Crime Perpetrated by Zionists in Rafah

APU Condemns Abhorrent Crime Perpetrated by Zionists in Rafah

In view of the closure of the crossings of the Gaza Strip cities, and denying the civilian citizens all humanitarian, medical and ambulance assistance aimed at making them hungry or forcibly displacing them, the Arab Parliamentary Union (APU) condemns and denounces, in the strongest terms, the bloody massacres committed by the forces of the barbaric entity, in cold blood, against Children, women and the elderly in north-west Rafah district, on Sunday 26 May, 2024, stressing the urgent necessity of applying the decisions of the International Justice Court, on obligating this usurping Zionist entity to stop immediately its military operations in Rafah district, and open the crossings for all humanitarian assistance.

The APU cannot turn a blind eye toward this Zionist roistering, which surpassed all boundaries, and breached all the international conventions and agreements which stipulate the necessity of stopping targeting the city of Rafah and provide protection for the brotherly Palestinian people, warning of the repercussions of this naked defiance of the international will and its impact on the states of the region and all the world. The Zionist willful targeting of the camps of the migrants in Rafah can only be characterized as a war crime against humanity, and affirmed, at the same time that if the international community, and its UN institutions do not take deterrent measures, this will push the Zionist entity to commit further atrocities that will bring shame to humanity.

The APU, requests all the states of the world to take a genuine stance with self to recognize that any delay in taking a decision to stop the Israeli killings machine, will result in shedding more blood and the stark violations of the provisions of the international humanitarian Law, especially the items of the Fourth Geneva Agreement of 1949 on the Protection of Civilians During the Time of War. The APU reconfirms its strong solidarity stance for the victory of the brotherly Palestinian People, and its absolute support to restore their usurped rights, as well as its continuous legendary steadfastness in the face of the regular state terrorism, and the concomitant legal dues in terms of accountability according to the international criminal law.

Ibrahim Boughali

President of Arab Parliamentary Union,

Speaker, National People’s Assembly of Algeria

Read the arabic version, here

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