PUIC Participates in Monitoring Presidential Elections in Azerbaijan

PUIC Participates in Monitoring Presidential Elections in Azerbaijan

In response to the invitation which the PUIC General Secretariat received from the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a PUIC delegation participated in monitoring the early presidential elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan where the polling took place on Wednesday, 7 February 2024.

The Delegation visited several Committees in the morning and evening periods, and met with concerned bodies and parties, and the participants in the electoral process, and received information about the process. The Head of delegation of the General Secretariat expressed, during the press information offered by the international monitors, satisfaction of the delegation with the conduct of the elections in an atmosphere of quietude, transparency and good organization.

It is worthy to note that these elections were considered the first of its kind following the total liberation of the occupied Azeri territories in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, where 26 electoral committees opened their doors for registering voters.

The PUIC Secretary General Mr. Mohamed Khouraichi Niass, offered his congratulations to the Azeri people for the successful organization put in place for the Presidential elections.

7 February 2024

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