PUIC President Appeals to Save the Children of Gaza:

The Children Face the Israeli Death Machine Daily

The Children Face the Israeli Death Machine Daily

His Excellency Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, President of the PUIC, President of the National People’s Assembly of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, addressed an appeal to the regional and international parliamentary bodies, and through them to the entire international community, with a view to taking immediate measures to end Zionist war crimes and to listen to the cries of the children of Palestine who are exposed daily to the horrors and atrocities that Ultimately leading to death or severe disability. Below is the text of the appeal: 9 January 2024

Appeal made by the PUIC President to make heard the scream of Palestine children.

In my capacity as PUIC president, I address my appeal to regional and international parliamentary organisations, and through them to the entire international community, In order to take immediate measures and put an end to the crimes of occupation, and listen to the screams of Palestine children who suffer the most atrocious crimes committed by the army of the occupation.

The children of Gaza are facing the daily destruction machine. They experience the most horrific violations, such as killing, abduction, famine, dispersion, as well as targeting schools and hospitals, and obstruction of access to humanitarian assistance. Mortality figures of these innocent victims look like horrible imaginations, but regrettably, they are ugly and frightening reality.

The children of Palestine live through a clear breach of all the basic rights laid out in the Convention on Children’s rights of 1988, including the right to live, grow, develop, as well as the right to education, health, care, and right to protection from all forms of abuse and utilisation.

The children of Gaza are suffering from hunger and thirst. They do not find the least essentials of livelihood, under the shadow of horror and fear engendered by the images of death and destruction. Meanwhile, education has become a far-fetched dream. It has been plundered by the destruction of schools and universities. For these children to have access to healthcare is an impossibility. The dream of Palestinian children has been reduced to only a single dream, which is to live in a place of safety and peace.

Through this appeal, we call upon all organisations and all hearts full of humanity to act in order to confront this nightmare. We call all and everyone to stand in line to put an end to the crimes of genocide and all forms of injustice and violations that infringe the rights of the children of Palestine.

We call upon you, in strong terms, to be the voice of the living conscience in the face of the injustice which is causing the suffering of the children of Gaza, and to denounce these violations in all international occasions and fora.

Let us direct our efforts towards pressuring the occupation authorities to stop their crimes, and completely open the crossings without conditions or restrictions to enable the citizens and children of Gaza to be provided with the basic necessities, and face the cold and hunger. We stress the necessity of conducting an independent investigation commensurate with the obligations enshrined in the convention of the rights of children.

We firmly believe that cooperation among the representatives of peoples is a basic and necessary matter to put an end to the grave violations of the rights of children in Gaza Strip.

The only solution is stopping the violence, and saving the children in order to preserve the future of humanity and the principles of international peace and security, which constitute the essence of the human civilisation and progress.

We are full of hope that our appeal will receive your attention and support, and that you will exert all your efforts in order to save the children of Palestine from this horrible injustice and suppression which they suffer. Let us extend to them the hand of humanity, at a time when innocent childhood is in need of security.

Click here for finding the original letter in Arabic 

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