Final Declaration of the Meeting of Speakers of PUIC Member Parliaments

Final Declaration of the Meeting of Speakers of PUIC Member Parliaments

Upon the invitation of H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, President of the 17th Session of the PUIC Conference, Speaker of the National People’s Assembly of Algeria, Speakers of PUIC Parliaments, held a meeting on Monday 25 September, 2023, through Webinar Technology to consider the means of preventing the despicable practices contrary to the values of tolerance and moderation embodied in the burning of the Holy Quran, and also looking into the repercussions of Climate Change and enhancing Islamic Solidarity to confront it.

Following rich and exhausting discussion and the exchange of views among Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Heads of Delegation, the following communique was adopted:

Proceeding from the Statute of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), and the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC);

Pursuant to the resolutions and declarations of PUIC Conferences adopted on this issue:

We, Speakers of PUIC Member Parliaments, do hereby: -

Firstly; On Insulting the Holy Quran: -

  • Strongly condemn and denounce the continuation of the incidents of the burning and tearing up copies of the Holy Quran in some Western States, and consider them a crime and an utmost vilification and horrible targeting of Muslims in all parts of the World,
  • Consider that in no way these despicable actions against the Holy Quran can have any connection with the freedom of expression, and condemn allowing them or turning a blind eye on them under any pretext whatsoever
  • Affirm that the crimes of burning the Holy Quran are considered a challenge to Muslims and an encroachment on their sentiments regarding the holiest of their holies and an encouragement for animosity.
  • View that these crimes run counter to all human and moral values and principles, and deemed as a violation of international laws,
  • Call upon all States, to respect the religious freedom of Muslims, and not to restrict the human rights and basic freedoms of Muslims, including their right to exercise their religious rituals and express their cultural identity,
  • Demand the promulgation of legislations to criminalize insulting religious symbols and sanctities of divine religions.
  • Affirm the necessity for the United Nations and relevant regional organizations to adopt resolutions and legislations that ensure non-repetition of these violations and to punish their perpetrators.
  • Also demand lifting injustice as well as realizing justice and fairness for Muslim minorities which suffer denial of their rights and experience repression in more than one place in the world.
  • Charge the PUIC Secretary General with contacting the parliaments of Sweden, Denmark and Holland in order to urge them to enact legislations that prevent repetition of such crimes and also to contact international parliamentary organizations for the sake of supporting such an endeavor.
  • Call for submitting an emergency item in the next session of the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU), scheduled to be held in Luanda, on 23- 27 October 2023, in the name of the African, Asian and Arab Groups, to adopt a resolution condemning the vilification of all sacred and religious symbols, and criminalizing such despicable action.
  • Express our utmost concern vis-a- vis the rising of the hate discourse against Islam and Muslims and the growth of the Phenomenon of Islamophobia; and urge all Islamic countries to commemorate the World Day on Countering Islamophobia.
  • Call for exerting further efforts at the international level to enhance world dialogue in order to firmly establish the culture of tolerance, and raise the values of moderation and peaceful coexistence among peoples which our true religion has advocated, and confirm the renunciation of hatred and violence.

Secondly, Repercussions of Climate Change:

  • Salute the high spirit of solidarity of Muslim peoples in supporting the states which have experienced the repercussions of this phenomenon.
  • Call for effectuating the sublime value system of our true religion in countering Climate Change through awareness and guidance and enactment of legislations and recommendations that encourage solidarity among Islamic States.
  • Confirm the necessity of educating generations on confronting climate change and its effects in school curricula, because future generations are more exposed to the risks of climate change.
  • Call upon developed states to honor their financial commitments and pledges to help developing states in dealing with the consequences of global warming.
  • Affirm the necessity of respecting the recommendations of previously convened international summits on Climate.
  • Call for updating legal systems that would allow the Member States to protect their sovereignty as well as the health of their citizens from environmental attrition with its different constituents.
  • Affirm the right of developing states to receive the necessary assistance to face the risks and losses resulting from Climate Change, in order to activate the principle of common and variant responsibilities.
  • Call for facilitating energy transformation, and enabling developing states to have access to production mechanisms which depend on renewable energies.
  • Stress the necessity of taking strict legal measures in order to protect the forest areas and pastures due to the important environment role which their play.
  • Delegate the PUIC Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the provisions of this Communique, and report thereon to the next meetings of the PUIC.


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