Report of the 4th Session of the Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs

26 – 27 JANUARY, 2010
1.         The Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs,  held its 4th Meeting in Kampala, Republic of Uganda on 26 – 27 January, 2010 under the Chairmanship of the Rapporteur of the Committee H.E. Mr. Ahmed Hajji, House of Representatives of the Counsellors of the Kingdom of Morocco.
2.         The Meeting was attended by Their Excellencies:       
Arab Group:
-          H.E. Mr. Ahmed Hajji, Representative of Kingdom of Morocco.
-          H.E. Mr. Ahmad Abu Talib, Representative of Arab Republic of Egypt.
-          H.E. Mr. Yousef Obeid Al Naiemy, Representative of UAE.
Asian Group:
-     H.E. Mr. Irfan Gunduz, Representative of Turkey.
-     H.E. Mr. Mohammad Najib, Representative of Indonesia.
-     H.E. Mr. Sabir Rustamkhani, Representative of Azerbaijan. 
African Group:
-          H.E. Mr Yaouba Dao, Representative of Mali.
-          H.E. Mr. Si Seyi Mam, Representative of Cameroon.
-          H.E. Mr. Leon P.M. Okari, Representative of Gabon.
-           H.E. Mrs. Huda Oleru, Representative of Uganda.
The meeting was attended by a number of delegations as observer namely:
- H.E Dr. Kazim Jalali, Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
- H.E Mr. Mohsen Al Tamimi, Representative of the Republic of Tunisia,
- H.E Mr. Hassan Al Saqqa, Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic,
- H.E Mr. Jamal Ayyash, Representative of the State of Palestine.
The followings Representatives were absent from the meeting:
-          Lebanon
-          Kazakhstan.
3.         The PUIC General Secretariat was represented by H.E. Mr. Ali Asghar Mohammadi Sijani Assistant Secretary General who welcomed the members of the Committee on behalf of the Secretary General.
4.         The meeting reviewed the Agenda and discussed its 22 items for Political Affairs and 5 items on Economic Affairs. The discussion included interventions which finally led to the adoption of the attached draft resolutions to be submitted to the august PUIC Conference.

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